Gas heating for new houses will be banned by 2025.

Eventually, gas heating will be phased out of homes completely. Now is the time to switch from a gas boiler to a heat pump. Enjoy the benefits of a home with a comfortable climate – all while reducing your carbon impact.

What is a Heat Pump?

These are types of heating and cooling systems that move heat from one location to another. In heating mode, it extracts heat from outdoor air, ground or water and transfers it inside to warm up a home or building. In cooling mode, it extracts heat from indoor air and transfers it outside to cool down the interior. This is achieved using a refrigerant and a compressor which circulates the heat between an indoor and outdoor unit.

There are two types of air-source heat pumps: air-to-air and air-to-water.

How does it do that?

Even if it’s the middle of January, heat pumps can extract small amounts of warmth from the ground, air, or water. This warm air never runs out or does damage to the environment. There is absolutely no gas involved, as our pumps run on electricity only. That means lower bills and carbon emissions.

While a heat pump may require a small amount of electricity to power its compressor and fan, it can provide several times more heating energy than the electricity it consumes, making it an excellent choice for homeowners looking to reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint.

Air-to-water: (Warm air).

If you have a water-based central heating system, (think radiators and underfloor heating), or you need to heat your domestic hot water, then an air-to-water heat pump could be just what you need. Plus, if you’re looking to heat a larger living space, like a home with multiple rooms, this type of pump is especially convenient.

One of the best things about these heat pumps is their ability to maintain a consistent temperature once they reach your desired setting. So, once your room is comfortable, you can relax without constantly adjusting the thermostat. And, with programmable timers and smart thermostats, you can even control each room separately to achieve the perfect temperature throughout your home.

After a proper installation, an air-to-water heat pump can provide up to three times more thermal energy to your home than the electricity it consumes. That’s because, unlike traditional heating systems, a heat pump transfers heat instead of generating it.

Can an air-to-water pump be used for air-conditioning?

No— an air-to-water heat pump can only provide heating for your home through radiators or underfloor heating systems.

Are they energy efficient?

Air-to-water heat pumps are among the most efficient air-source heat pumps on the market.

The highest-quality systems can achieve an average COP (Coefficient of Performance) figure of four or more. That means that for every kilowatt of electricity used, you’ll get four kilowatts of heating power, saving you a lot of money in the long run. Say goodbye to wasteful and expensive heating systems and hello to a comfortable and eco-friendly home!

Will an air-to-water heat pump add value to my home?

Recent studies have shown that having an air-to-water heat pump in your home could boost its value by up to 3%.

But that’s not all. Research carried out by the WWF has shown that a heat pump could add between 1.7% and 3.0% to the value of your home. So not only will you be doing your bit for the planet by reducing your carbon footprint, but you’ll also be making a smart investment in your property’s future.

If you’re ready to upgrade your home’s heating system and add some serious value to your property, an air-source heat pump is worth considering.

Air-to-air: (warm and cool air).

With the weather in the UK increasing, you might want to invest in a heat pump that can both warm and cool your home. An air-to-air heat pump can heat up or cool down a room in mere minutes and, like the air-to-water pump, once it reaches your desired temperature it will keep it that way. Plus, many heat pumps even come with features like programmable timers and Bluetooth connectivity. With an air-to-air heat pump, you’ll always be in control of your perfect temperature.

While the primary advantage of heat pumps is their impressive ability to heat a room quickly, they can also be used for cooling. The “reverse cycle” in the full name of a heat pump allows it to work backward, blowing out cool air instead of warm air. Not only can it extract heat energy from outside and bring it into your home for warmth, but it can also extract heat from inside your home and transfer it outside. This makes air-to-air heat pumps a fantastic all-in-one solution for keeping your home comfortable no matter the weather outside.

Are they efficient, too?

Air-to-air heat pumps are so efficient that many models boast a seasonal efficiency rating (SCOP) of 3.0-4.0. What does that mean? For every 1 kW of electricity used, these pumps can produce 3 or even 4 kW of heat. That’s like getting a bonus boost of warmth without any extra effort or cost.

Do they improve air quality?

Air that is kept circulated throughout a home is always a better quality than air that sits still. This is because the blowing of cool air removes old dust, mould spores, odours, smoke, and other gritty particles.

If you suffer from congestion issues, asthma, or allergies, an air-to-air heat pump is an excellent friend to have in your home to help keep the air clean.

Will an air-to-air heat pump add value to my home?

Heat pumps are quickly becoming a popular home upgrade, and for good reason: they add value. A home that offers a comfortable environment, along with the convenience of air conditioning, is always going to be more desirable than one without these sought-after benefits.

As a bonus, an air-to-air pump is also very eco-friendly. Unlike gas-powered systems that emit harmful fumes and carbon monoxide, heat pumps don’t burn anything at the heat source, meaning there are no additional carbon emissions to worry about. Many modern heat pumps use R32 refrigerant, which is both energy-efficient and doesn’t harm the ozone layer if released into the environment. So not only will a heat pump make your home more comfortable, but it’ll also make it more environmentally responsible.

Quick Summary

What are the Benefits of a Heat Pump?

Aside from lowering your bills, our heat pumps:

  • Regulate your home’s temperature and keep it stable.
  • Connect to homes incredibly well. They’re compact, streamlined for your specific needs, and ideal for renovations or the replacement of your old boiler.
  • Perfect alongside solar equipment. Paired with solar panels, 70% of your energy will come from renewable energy.
  • Ideal for keeping the air clean and regulated.

What brands of Heat Pump do you work with?

We primiarily use Deakin Heat Pumps, but we also use Fujitsu and Bosch appliances.

Which heat pump is right for me?

If your priorities are:

  • More efficient central heating.
  • Keeping temperatures consistent.
  • Keeping radiators and under-floor heating working.

We recommend an Air-to-Water heat pump.

If you want:

  • The ability to keep a home both warm and cool.
  • The best energy efficiency possible.
  • Better air quality.

Then we recommend an Air-to-Air heat pump.


Will my garden be turned upside down?

No. The two heat pumps we offer do not require digging into the ground or any alterations to your garden.

Will I have to insulate my home more?

As a general rule, the more insulated your home is, the better your heat pump will work. The same goes for central heating from a boiler. However, if your home is not well insulated, it may mean that you’ll need to go for a larger heat pump.

Will a heat pump add value to my home?

Yes. By consuming less energy in your home, your energy label will change. Your energy rating may improve and this should increase your home’s value.

Does a heat pump take up a lot of space?

A heat pump takes up just a little bit more space than a traditional boiler. With an outside air heat pump, a small 1m² pump will need to be installed outside.

Is a heat pump loud?

No. The Daikin heat pumps that we install is Quiet Mark certified, making them one of the quietest heat pumps on the market.

What does it look like?

Usually like a gas boiler, just sleeker. It hangs on the wall the way that a boiler does.

Is a heat pump safe?

Heat pumps are safe to operate and considered safer than combustion-based heating systems. This is because they rely on electricity and do not need to burn fuel to generate heat.

Want to find out more?

If you have any additional questions, do give us a call. We have an expert team here at ACF Plumbing & Heating so there is always someone on hand to help answer any question you may have. They can also help you with any queries involving our services, which service is correct for you and provide you with a quote.